ätherische Öle · 20. Februar 2022
Eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsöle ist Lavendel. Wofür du es nutzen kannst und was es bewirkt, liest du in diesem Beitrag.
Yoga not only takes place in the save space of the square of the Yoga mat. But every day in every moment - if you are ready to let it be integrated into your daily life.
awarness · 03. April 2018
We can only live in this very moment. Therefore find happiness and peace in this very moment. In the NOW.
Short article in a local news paper about my yoga session in the mountains.
Das Yogasutra (der achtfache Pfad) von Patanjali ist ein Leitfaden das Leben im JETZ im Alltag zu ermöglichen.
The Yoga Sutras (8 limbs) by Patanjali is a guidance how to live NOW consciously in our daily life
Get to know different varations of "Surya Namaskar" (sun salutation)
First impressions of our openening night.